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professionals with strong expertise

We want nonprofit organizations to grow:
it’s what we care about, it’s why we started ENGAGEDin.

We work with civil society organizations to support them in their strategies for development and financial, organizational and cultural sustainability.

Ours is a small, but exceptional team: a few professionals with solid expertise and a strong and flexible network of partners and collaborators.
A model that has allowed us to become a respected and reliable reference point for the nonprofit field at the national and international level.

We keep our core structure “light” because this allows us to do our best for what we care about the most: working for the growth and harmonious development of the organizations we collaborate with, following a custom approach and achieving tangible outcomes.

Simona Biancu

Simona started working in fundraising after years of experience in HR management and external relations at Universities. With a master’s degree in fundraising from the University of Bologna and specialized training completed with organizations and institutions abroad, she is a consultant and trainer for nonprofits and companies, both Italian and foreign. What drives her in her work is seeing how dedication and commitment make change possible, day after day. And how the cultural context determines most of our identity… tying in with her passion for sociology and anthropology.
Former vice president of the Italian Association of Fundriasers (ASSIF), she currently is a Board member and Chair of Public Affairs of the European Fundraising Association. She loves sports, books, quiet woods, sunsets over the sea, and licorice.
Those who know her well say she is precise, serious (but not boring), transparent, talkative, and sometimes touchy.

Alberto Cuttica

Alberto has a specific expertise in financial sustainability and in the design and development of organizations, built over many years of work experience with prestigious Italian universities.
Holding a master’s degree in management from Milan’s Polytechnic, and having specialized in fundraising and philanthropy at Italian and international institutions, he has been published multiple times as an expert on these subjects, and has been a consultant and trainer for various organizations in Italy and abroad. He is a member of ASSIF (Associazione italiana fundraiser, i.e. Italy’s fundraiser association). Because he gets bored easily, he likes the fact his job requires constant learning, listening, asking questions and not just giving answers.
He loves going to the cinema (low lights and silence included), the feeling of wellbeing after physical exercise, honey and mystery novels.
Those who know him well say he is reserved, skittish, empathetic, chaotic and rigorous at the same time, reliable and always true to his principles, both in work and in life.

Simona Biancu

Simona started working in fundraising after years of experience in HR management and external relations at Universities. With a master’s degree in fundraising from the University of Bologna and specialized training completed with organizations and institutions abroad, she is a consultant and trainer for nonprofits and companies, both Italian and foreign. What drives her in her work is seeing how dedication and commitment make change possible, day after day. And how the cultural context determines most of our identity… tying in with her passion for sociology and anthropology.
She is Vice-chair of ASSIF (Associazione italiana fundraiser, i.e. Italy’s fundraiser association) entrusted with internationalization, Board member and Chair of Public Affairs of the European Fundraising Association and Council member of the European Lung Foundation. She loves sports, books, quiet woods, sunsets over the sea, and licorice.
Those who know her well say she is precise, serious (but not boring), transparent, talkative, and sometimes touchy.

Mico Rao

Organizzatore di eventi e iniziative culturali e artistiche dal 1995, ha lavorato nella formazione e nell’orientamento professionale per 15 anni. Nel 2010 è stato cofondatore della community professionale Lab121 di Alessandria per la quale si occupa tuttora della gestione della community, del coordinamento delle attività e dei rapporti istituzionali. Dal 2014, con Proteina, offre servizi di consulenza a Enti pubblici, aziende e organizzazioni del privato sociale, promuovendo inedite alleanze tra profit e no profit, sviluppando progetti innovativi e ad alto impatto sociale. La sua Social Bio recita “Sono un immaginario che pratica l’ospitalità per far nascere relazioni di fiducia”.

We provide strategic consultancy, because we believe this is the most effective approach to shape change with an eye to the organization’s future, so it can be achievable starting from the present.

Our consultancy services, board coaching, and training initiatives are based on this approach: we think only strategic vision can truly change things.

Our work is made of daily commitment, medium- and long-term operational plans, and achievable change – whether for a bequest or corporate campaign, a coaching program with the Board of Directors, a consultancy that starts by analyzing the organization and ends up re-designing the whole model to make it sustainable and able to pursue its mission… or something else altogether.

How we work with
the ENGAGEDin method

Every product we develop is custom designed, but some constant elements are essential to improve effectiveness and achieve results.
These elements make up the ENGAGEDin method.

Contact us

Send us your request for contact and schedule a meeting with us, no strings attached. We look forward to hearing about your organization and finding out what we can do together!

    Our partner
